Monday, August 20, 2007

I Dunno, Just a Thought vol. 16

My apologies, seekers of inconsequential bloggings. it's been ten days since i last ventured these parts. a lot went down in that time...but it's not in my nature to get to personal with this thing. i'll just say this;

Part of me feels like a teddy bear made out of puppies. Part of me feels like wearing a jacket made out of raven feathers while rolling around in a field of kittens made out of gummy bears. Part of me feels like wrangling up a posse, to beat the fear of God into and out of * ****** ******-***** ****...Bully style. i even have three songs for the soundtrack as we ride into battle;

Prime Minister Pete Nice & Daddy Rich - Rat Bastard (for the ominous trip down the road)
Integrity - Mischa (for the confrontation)
Lordz of Brooklyn - Saturday Night Fever (for the celebratory get-down, where we cabbage-patch around the gators feeding on his remains)

I am the Arm. and i sound like This.

i dunno... just a thought.

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