Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Just Needed to Share vol. 8

seriously. Fuck You ALL.

You miserable twits. you selfish animals. you voyeuristic masochistic materialistic scum. you myopic trolls.

you who vote against your interest. you who are anti-intellectual. you who suppresses and dismisses anyone who might clash with or disrupt the "status quo". you who has let yourself believe that you need them when they need you. You who won't let go. You who has given up. You whose entire belief system is based on referencing precedents rather than breaking new ground. you who made it nearly impossible to exist outside of trends. outside of fashion. outside of the mainstream. you who equates marginal with pornography. you who destroyed the underground. you who made it so those with talent can't live without bland dayjobs. you who are defeatist. you who are defeated. you who live a lifestyle because you "can".

you're the reason the internet is so full of venom and cynicism. this is the last place where we can spew our bile freely. even so, we still have the lurkers...the watchers...the professional appreciators. the loose-brained subterraneans who don't seem to care for most things. There is no where for us to go anymore.

in a perfect world this would be my source of income. it's the only fucking thing i am good at. being miserable. writing about it. yelling it. making something out of it. that's not grounds enough for worth in this President Shit-For-Brains world we live in, so i have to cover up. slip on the skin of Smiley Gladhands. Pretend car commercials aren't full of shit. pretend American Light Beers are the way to go. Pretend Fergie's face doesn't look like the baboon that was mutilated from going through the transporter pods in Cronenberg's the Fly. Pretend Dane Cook isn't the Chernobyl of Stand-Up. Pretend i care about video games and reality television. Pretend Green Day is important. Pretend that we're not all goners. Pretend George Carlin isn't right about everything. Pretend that talent is measured in sales.

Fuck this. it's 3:20 am on a Tuesday. my Cephalic Carnage vinyl didn't sell despite 3 people fucking "watching" it (here's a hint...DO NO WATCH SOMETHING IF YOU HAVE NO INTENTION OF BUYING IT YOU GODDAMN CUNT CANNONS). I have nothing on the horizon but band practice, time with my girlfriend, and Diamanda Galas next week.

guess things could be worse.

Just needed to share.

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